Tuesday, December 30, 2008


by: Author Unknown,

Text One
brahma muraari suraarchita lingamnirmala bhashita shobhita lingamjanmaja dukha vinaashaka lingamtat pranamaami sadaa shiva lingam
I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, which is adored by Brahma, Vishnu and other Gods, which is praised by pure and holy speeches and which destroys the cycle of births and deaths.
Text Two
devamuni pravaraarchita lingamkaamadaham karunaakara lingamraavana darpa vinaashaka lingamtat pranamaami sada shiva lingam
I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, which is the destroyer of desires, which the Devas and the sages worship, which is infinitely compassionate and which subdued the pride of Raavana.
Text Three
sarva sugandha sulepitha lingambuddhi vivardhana kaarana lingamsiddha suraasura vanditha lingamtat pranamaami sadaa shiva lingam
I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, which is lavishly smeared with variegated perfumes and scents, which elevates the power of thought and enkindles the light of discrimination, and before which the Siddhas and Suras and Asuras prostrate.
Text Four
kanaka mahaamani bhushitha lingamphanipathi veshtitha shobhitha lingamdaksha suyajna vinaashaka lingam tat pranamaami sadaa shiva lingam
I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, the destroyer of Dakshas sacrifice, which is decorated with various ornaments, studded with different gems and rubies and which glows with the garland of the serpent Lord coiled around it.
Text Five
kumkuma chandana lepitha lingampankaja haara sushobhitha lingamsanchitha paapa vinaashaka lingamtat pranamaami sadaa shiva lingam
I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, which is smeared with saffron and sandal paste, which is decorated with lotus garlands and which wipes out all accumulated sins.
Text Six
devaganaarchitha sevitha lingambhaavair bhakti bhirevacha lingamdinakara koti prabhakara lingamtat pranamaami sadaa shiva lingam
I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga which is worshipped by the multitude of Gods with genuine thoughts full of faith and devotion and whose splendor is like that of a million suns.
Text Seven
ashta dalopari veshtitha lingamsarva samudbhava kaarana lingamashta daridra vinaashaka lingamtat pranamaami sadaa shiva lingam
I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, destroyer of all poverty and misery in its eight aspects, which is the cause of all creation and which stands on the eight petalled Lotus.
Text Eight
suraguru suravara pujitha lingamsuravana pushpa sadaarchitha lingamparaatparam paramatmaka lingam tat pranamaami sadaa shiva lingam
I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga which is the Transcendent Being and the Supreme Self, worshipped by all Suras and their preceptor (Brhaspathi), with innumerable flowers from the celestial gardens.
Text Nine
lingashtakamidam punyamya:pathaet sivasannidau .sivalokamavapnoti sivena saha modatae.
Whoever recites these eight slokas, in praise of the Shivalinga with the presence of Lord Shiva, attains that Supreme abode of Shiva and enjoys everlasting bliss with Him.

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