Thursday, January 1, 2009

Post Natal Depression And Very Bad Panic Attacks

by: Author Unknown,

Having suffered from Post Natal Depression and very bad panic attacks, I was at a very loose end. I was the only person in the whole world that was going through, well, whatever it was. My panic attacks would come at any time, anywhere, and every single time, although I lived through them, they were so real and I really thought each time that I was going to die.
At this time, I was also having a separation problem with my third son. I was even unable to visit the toilet or bathroom without him. I felt we were connected at the hip. I am sure there are mothers out there that know what I am talking about.
I found out that in our village there was a Community House and that they would help out by taking Jesse off my hands for a couple of hours a week and this would help him realise that although mummy wasn't with him for a while, I would come back.
All of a sudden my world became so different. I found a family outside my own.
People that really cared and I found that lots of people, people that I thought were extremely happy, organised, and enjoying life to the full, were not.
I was talking to the Co-ordinator of the house one day and I found out that many people suffered from anxiety, panic attacks and real depression. I was not alone.
Before I knew what was happening, we had an anxiety group, thanks to the Community House. We meet on a Wednesday afternoon from 1.00 p.m. until 3.00 p.m. We advertise our anxiety support group through our leaflets and I found that advertising our group with posters in local chemists and surgeries has helped too. We have become a close group and our meetings together have become so helpful. We share a cuppa and talk about our feelings, we laugh about fears!!
Some of us have met in each others homes for coffee. The main thing is, one of us may have depression, another post natal depression, ante natal depression, panic attacks, just fed up with everything, but we all stick together and we really help each other.
I still suffer from panic attacks, and the friends I have in our group still have their problems too, but, we still meet up every week and have a coffee and a good talk and laugh about them. Everyday we see people walking down the street, we don't know them and we don't know what they are feeling. Everybody has fears and everybody must feel anxiety at some stage in their life. I wish I was better and I wish I could make everyone else better.....If anyone that has a local community house without an anxiety group, talk to your Co-ordinator and make it happen. If I didn't have Crib Point Community House and all the great friends I have there, I would be a very lonely person. At least I am just a depressed person.

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